Match Everything after a word grep -Po 'WORD(.*)' grep -oP '(?<=release)[^ ]*' check this Print all the directories in the given path with Full Absolute Path ls -d1 "$(pwd)"/*/ Grep inside a Folder Recursive grep -nr '100068 2,3,4,5 32800/udp cmsd' grep -nr 'A Wordpress installation was found' | grep -v AutoRecon | cut -d '/' -f1 | sort -u Grep IP Address and Ports from Nmap Scan Ouput egrep -v "^#|Status: Up" 113-vlan | cut -d' ' -f2,4- | sed -n -e 's/Ignored.*//p' | grep open | sed 's/\/\/\/\///g' |sed 's/\/\/\///g' | sed 's/open\///g' | sed 's#//#/#g' Output: 80,443 8080, 9191 List directories which don't contain sub-directory named recon. find . -type d -exec test -e "{}/recon" \; -prune -o -type d -print| cut -d '/' -f2 Grep data from multiple webpages and Print everything after a given word for ip in $(cat $1);...