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Google Enum 

#Finding PGP and GnuPG Private Key rings intitle:index.of intext:"secring.skr"| "secring.pgp" | "secring.bak"

#Shell History files in interesting domains intitle:index.of bash_history

#Nessus Scan Results
intitle:"Nessus Scan Report" "This file was generated by Nessus"

SearchDiggity GUI tool
Finger Enumeration

Finger Enum Script
finger @

perl -U ../../SecLists/Usernames/Names/names.txt -t

finger root@
Enumerating Squid Proxy

nikto -h -useproxy

get /etc/squid/squid.conf
get /etc/squid/squid.cgf
get /etc/squid/squid.config
Set a profile in foxy proxy to change to the squid proxy and add creds in it to access it properly. 

Burp Settings:

add upstream proxy --> 

destination: * 
port : 3128
Authentication type: Basic
Username: creds
Password: creds

Set foxyproxy to use burp

Go to proxy --> options --> Proxy listeners --> Add
Bind it to port: 80
Request handling  --> redirect to & 80 
Droppescan Usage - Drupal Scan

./droopescan scan drupal -u 
File Transfer to Windows Webserver 

python /impacket/build/scripts-3.7/ bhanu ~/Desktop/HTB/

SNMP Enum -- > Checklist
 Windows Version Information 

dig axfr @

cat zonetransfer | grep friendzone | grep IN | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\.$//g' | sort -u > hosts
Mount a SMB Share when you have Credentials 

 mount -t cifs -o username=Finance,password=Acc0unting // /mnt/smb/

cd /mnt/smb/         //we can see the mounted data here
cp -r smb ~/Desktop/HTB/tally/     //Copy all the files to your drive
Iterate a number from 1 to 20 in the given Variable and check the difference 

 for i in $(seq 1 20); do echo -n "$i: "; curl -s$i/ | grep '<title>';done
curl -s -L | grep "title\|href" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'    --> Get all the links from a page 
curl -s -L | html2text -width '99' | uniq 

--> get Text in much better readable Format 
gobuster -u -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web_Content/cgis.txt -s '200,204,403,500' -e -x php
-->URL Brute forcing using Different word list and filtering with status codes
searchsploit --colour -t php 5.x | grep -v '/dos/' | grep -iv '\.php[^$]'

--> Search for PHP exploits using searchsploit ; remove .php unwanted files
Access a Binary from anywhere 

ln -s /root/Downloads/Tools/dirsearch/ /usr/local/bin/

#Change the binary location
echo $SHELL                  /Determine the shell
Download all the files from a FTP Directory using wget

wget --mirror 'ftp_user:password@'  


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