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Nmap & Service Enumeration - Commands and Process

RustScan for High Speed Open Ports Detection
download the debian package
dpkg -i filename
rustscan rustscan -p 80,443 --no-nmap

or you can use masscan
masscan --rate 15000 -oB myscan.mass --ports 0-65535
Reconnoitre for service enum

git clone
cd reconnoitre
python install

reconnoitre -t --services -o new_recon
Vanquish - Information Gathering

git clone
cd Vanquish
python2.7 -install

echo >> test.txt
vanquish -hostFile test.txt -logging

#read the output, located in hosts directory
sn1per - Automated Enum

git clone
cd Sn1per

1N3/Sn1per: Attack Surface Management Platform | Sn1perSecurity LLC ( 

sniper -t <TARGET> -o -re

sniper -t -m vulnscan
sniper -t -m webscan
Nmap Commands for Internal scans
sudo nmap -sV -sC -p 22 -oN nmap
#Scan for all the ports very fast - 10,000 packets per second
nmap -p- -v -oA nmap/allports #Common Ports Scan nmap -p80,23,443,21,22,25,3389,110,445,139,143,53,135,3306,8080,1723,111,995,993,5900,8443,8000,1433,1434, 1521,1630,5432,3306 -Pn -oA scan --randomize-hosts --open #Nmap Script scan using Categories nmap -sU -sV --script "ntp* and (discovery or vuln) and not (dos or brute)" -p 123 #Segmentation Test using nmap sudo nmap -Pn -p- --min-hostgroup 100 --min-parallelism 100 -T4 -n -sS -oG scan_result.grep
Port Scanning using Netcat/nc

netcat -v -z -n -w 1 1-1023

for port in $(cat ports.txt); do netcat -v -z -n -w 1 $port; done 

-z : Port scanning mode i.e. zero I/O mode.
-v : Be verbose [use twice -vv to be more verbose].
-n : Use numeric-only IP addresses i.e. do not use DNS to resolve ip addresses.
-w 1 : Set time out value to 1.
-u : Use udp instead of TCP.
-4 : Force IPv4 version addresses.
-6 : Make sure we use IPv6 version addresses only.
Nmap - How it Works

open --> is accepting connections

closed--> nmap is able to make a request to the port, but no app is using it

filtered--> cant determine its state, something is blocking access to the port

unfiltered--> port is accessible(able to make a request to the port), but nmap cant decide if its open or closed
*only shows up when doing an ACK scan, used to map firewall rule sets.

open|Filtered --> nmap cant decide weather the port is open or filtered. port is open, but no response is received. Appears in UDP, IP protocol, FIN, Null and Xmas scans only

Closed|Filtered --> Namp is unable to determine weather closed or filtered, Appears only in idle scans


// Nmap needs to be run as a root --> its performs SYN scan: which is better; get mac address as well
// without root --> it performs connect scan

Nmap has various options for scan speed (use -T)
0 Paranoid: Waits 5 minutes between packets (serial)
1 Sneaky: 15 seconds between packets (serial)
2 Polite: 0.4 seconds between packets (serial)
3 Normal (default): Designed to not overwhelm network or miss targets/ports (parallel)
4 Aggressive: Safe to use on most modern networks (parallel)
5 Insane: Spends up to 15 minutes per host (gives up on that host and moves on if scan taking longer for it), "assumes that you are on on extraordinarily fast network or are willing to sacrifice some accuracy for speed" (parallel)

Top 20 most common ports (according to Nmap's services list): 80, 23, 443, 21, 22, 25, 3389, 110, 445, 139, 143, 53, 135, 3306, 8080, 1723, 111, 995, 993, 5900
NMAP Detection for TCP

1. Send SYN & Response is SYN-ACK == Port Open
2. Send SYN & Response is RST-ACK == Port is closed || Firewall Blocked it
3. Send SYN & Response is ICMP Port Unreachable == Filtered
4. Send SYN & No Response == Blocked by firewall, Filtered

NMAP Detection for UDP

1. Send UDP Packet & Respose is a UDP Packet == Port Open
2. Send UDP Packet & Response is ICMP Port Unreachable == Port is closed or Firewall blocked it
3. Send UDP Packet & If there is no response == Port is closed or filtered

UDP detection is kind of hard. So, usually nmap sends protocol/port based requests for UDP to better detection.

Use --defeat-icmp-ratelimit for better UDP Scan
NMAP Scanning Types

1. Connect Scan = -sT
- Completes 3 Way Handshake & closes with a RESET
- Can run without ROOT
- Use it for Fragile networks

2. SYN/Stealth Scan = -sS
- SYN-ACK response == Open
- SYN-RST response == Closed
- SYN- No response == filtered
requires root privileges to run

3. ACK Scan = -sA
- Used for Host Discovery

4. FIN Scan = -sF
- sends packets with the FIN Control Bit set

5. Null Scan = -sN
- set none of the Control Bits

6. XMAS Scan = -sX
- set the FIN, PSH, and URG Control Bits

7. Maimon Scan = -sM
- sets the FIN and ACK bits
- BSD-derived TCP stacks will respond to such a probe with a RESET if the port is closed and nothing if the port is open.

8. Add your own Falgs via --scanflags [URG|ACK| PSH|RST|SYN|FIN|ECE|CWR|ALL|NONE]

9. Multiple Scans = -A
- OS fingerprinting,version scan, script scan with default scripts, and traceroute (that is,-A = -O + -sV + -sC + --traceroute)
Useful Nmap Probing Options

-Pn : Don't probe and assume hosts are up, aliases of -Po (zero) or -PN
-PB : Same as default, use ICMP Echo Request, SYN to TCP 443, ACK to TCP 80, and ICMP Timestamp Request (if UID o)
-PE : (formerly -PI): Send ICMP Echo Request (ICMP type 8)
-PSports : Use TCP SYN to specified ports in the port list, do not use a space between ports or after the -PS (for example, -PS22,8o)
-PP : Send ICMP Timestamp Request (ICMP type 13) to find targets
-PM : Send ICMP Address Mask Request (ICMP type 17) to find targets
-PR : Use ARP to identify hosts (must be on Windows or UID o on Linux), this option only works with hosts on the same subnet and is used by default when targets are on the same subnet
Nmap Phases

Target Enumeration (read the target info, ip address(v4 or v6?), domain or ip? )
host discovery
reverse dns resolution (check the domain, prt address? )
port scanning
version detection
os detection
script scanning
Nmap Commands

normal scan: nmap -p 80,443
target list scan: nmap -iL targets.txt
service version scan: nmap -p 80 -sV
script: nmap -p 80 --script=http-title
scan all ports: nmap -p1-65535
save output: nmap -oN output.txt
save output nmap format: nmap -sP -oG filename
#Host Discovery ICMP Sweeps and TCP SYN packet probes to common ports

nmap -oA scan.dis --stats-every 60s --log-errors --traceroute --reason --randomize-hosts -v -R -PE -PP -PM -PO -PU -PY80,23,443,21,22,25,3389,110,445,139 -PS80,23,443,21,22,25,3389,110,445,139,143,53,135,3306,8080,1723,111,995,5900,1025,587,8888,199,1720,465,548,113,81,6001,10000,514,5060,179,1026,2000,8443,8000,32768,554,26,1433,49152,2001,515,8008,49154,1027,5666,646 -PA80,23,443,21,22,25,3389,110,445,139,143,53,135,3306,8080,1723,111,995,5900,1025,587,8888,199,1720,465,548,113,81,6001,10000,514,5060,179,1026,2000,8443,8000,32768,554,26,1433,49152,2001,515,8008,49154,1027,5666,646 -sS -sV -p21,22,23,25,80,443,8080,8443

#Common TCP Ports scan
nmap -oA top-10000 -stats-every 60s --log-errors --reason --randomize-hosts -v -R -Pn -A -sSVC -p- -iL live-host.txt

#Common UDP Ports scan
nmap -oA nmap-udp-output --stats-every 60s --log-errors --reason --randomize-hosts -v -R -Pn -A -sSVC -sU -p- -iL live-hosts.txt

#vuln scanning
nmap -oA web-services -sV -c -p 80,8080,443,8443,8081,8888,9443 -d --script=http-enum --stats-every 60s -iL live-hosts.txt  #Using Scripts nmap -n -sV --script "smb* and not brute"
#Full Scan
nmap -p- --max-retries 1 --max-rate 500 --max-scan-delay 20 -T4 -v --open -oN fullscan --system-dns --stats-every 3s

#Nmap SYn Scan on all TCP ports 
nmap -sS -sV -sC -v -p- -oA all-TCP

#nmap reverse DNS resolution
nmap -Pn -sn -R -oA dns-

# nmap brute force scripts
nmap -vvv --script http-brute --script-args userdb=users.txt,passdb=pass.txt -p <port> <host>
nmap --script vmauthd-brute -p <port> <host>
nmap --script ftp-brute -p <port> <host>

# scan using set of scripts
nmap -sV --script=smb* -p <port> <host>
  #CVE Scan
map -sV --script vulners --script-args mincvss=7.0 -p443,9000 --open -oN cve.nmap --system-dns --stats-every 3s #Vulnerabilities Scan nmap -sV --script vuln -p443,9000,443,9000 --open -oN vulns.nmap --system-dns --stats-every 3s
#Scan for SQL Servers
nmap -p 1433,1434,3306,3882 -Pn --open -sC -sV --script vulners

#Scan for DC's
nmap -p 88 -Pn --open -sC -sV --script vulners

take output ip's from the file and run a scan on them

cat filename | awk {'print $2'} //$2 = 2nd column
cat filename | awk {'print $2'} >> Targets.txt

save output to xml: nmap -oX xml-dump.txt , ,

full scan output: nmap -oA full-data
Scanning IPV6 Targets

get ipv6 address

nmap -6
OS scan: 

nmap -O
nmap -O --osscan-guest // saves time --max-os-tries=1
ping sweep, host discovery scan

nmap -sP

version scan:
nmap -sV --allports
nmap -sV --version-intensity 9 //0-9 range;

default intensity is 7; 9 is max
nmap -sV --version-all //goes to intensity 9 automatically

nmap -sV --version-light // fragile device
Python Ping Sweep

import subprocess
nrange = ""

for i in range(1, 254):
    address = nrange + str(i)
    res =['fping','-a', '-q', address])
Scanning for Specific Flags

syn scan: nmap -sS
tcp connect scan: nmap -sT
udp scan: nmap -sU // very slow scan
sctp INIT scan: -sY // combination of UDP and TCP
TCP NULL scan: -sN // doenst set any tcp flags in the packet
FIN scan: -sF // sends FIN flag
Xmas scan: -sX //sends all of the flags.. widening the flag
TCP ACK scan: -sA // used to audit firewalls
Nmap Performace tuning:

-T paranoid|sneaky|polite|normal|aggressive|insane
0 1 2 3 4 5
t3 is default

nmap -T4 --max-rtt-timeout 1250ms --min-rtt-timeout 100ms --initial-rtt-timeout 500ms --max-retires 6

#scans min 5 hosts, max 10
nmap --min-hostgroup 5 --max-hostgroup 10

nmap --min-hostgroup 10 --min-parallelism 10 --max-parallelism 20

ess accurate results, higher performance
nmap --max-retries 1

nmap --host-timeout 10m
Nmap script Scan

cd /usr/share/nmap/
cd scripts/
ls | wc -l //516 scripts or so ...

nmap -sV --script http-wordpress-burte

nmap -sC //default family of nsc scripts

nmap --script discovery // discovery is a category

nmap --script=http-title,http-wordpress-brute

Automating Scan for Multiple IP's for

git clone
cd AutoRecon
chmod +x ./
sudo ./ 

cp /usr/local/bin/

#save the file as 
for ip in $(cat $1); do $ip All & done
chmod +x

./ ips.txt
Masscan/NMAP Useful Grep Commands

masscan -pO-65535 --rate 15000 -oB myscan.mass

#Convert the normal output to greppable format
masscan --open --readscan myscan.mass -oG myscan.grep

#Extract all live hosts
grep /open/ myscan.grep | cut -d ' -f 2 | sort -uV > myscan-hosts.txt

#Get all ports
grep /open/ myscan.grep | cut -d ' ' —f 4 | cut -d / -f 1 | sort -nk 1 | uniq > myscan-ports.txt

#Get all systems with port 80 open
grep ' 80/open/' myscan.grep | cut -d' ' -f 2 | sort -uV > myscan-80.txt

#Get live all open host:port
grep /open/ myscan.grep | cut -d/ -f 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2,4 | sed -e 's//:/g' | sort -uV > myscan-host-port.txt
#Get Ports, Services from Nmap XML Output
 cat /tmp/ports | cut -d , -f2,3 | sort | uniq | tr -d \" | grep -v -E 'port|tcpwrapped' | sort -n #Grep for SSL/HTTP Ports cat ports.nmap | grep 'ssl/http' | cut -d ' ' -f1 | cut -d / -f 1 #Replace new line with comma sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g' #Return alive hosts on a subnet nmap -v -sP| grep -v “host down”| grep -o -E ‘[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}’ #Return alive hosts on a subnet for i in {0..254}; do ping -c 1 172.18.0.$i | tr \\n ' '| awk '/1 packets received/ {print $2}' ; done
Grep IP Address and Ports from Nmap Scan Ouput

egrep -v "^#|Status: Up" 113-vlan | cut -d' ' -f2,4- | sed -n -e 's/Ignored.*//p' | grep open | sed 's/\/\/\/\///g' |sed 's/\/\/\///g' | sed 's/open\///g' | sed 's#//#/#g'

Output: 80/tcp/http,443/tcp/https 8080/tcp/http-proxy, 9191/tcp
Grep Testssl output for a String "misconfiguration: Strict-Transport-Security"


awk -F '[/_: ]+' '
    ip = $1.
    port = "443";  # Port is always 443 based on your input
    if ($0 ~ /Strict-Transport-Security/) {
        misconfig[ip]["Strict-Transport-Security"] = 1;
    if ($0 ~ /X-Frame-Options/) {
        misconfig[ip]["X-Frame-Options"] = 1;
    print "IP Port misconfiguration";
    for (ip in misconfig) {
        printf "%s %s ", ip, port;
        first = 1;
        for (m in misconfig[ip]) {
            if (!first) printf ", ";
            printf "%s", m;
            first = 0;
        print "";
}' testssl_output.txt


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