All links for OSCP Windows Enum Linux - Enum Windows Priv Esc Cheatsheet Windows Priv Esc CVE-Exploits 1) Start Screen Recording using OBS Screen Recorder 2) Check the Machine IP's - Start Timer (Dont Stay on a Single Machine for too Long) - Cracked a Machine - Restart the Timer 3) Start Buffer overflow on the test machine - Start NmapAutomator on all 4 machines before starting BOF on test 4) Take Screenshots of everything 5) Start with 10 Points Box after BOF(25 Points); If this is taking too long, switch to a new box. Come back to this later. Document Everything. 6) HTTP is Vulnerable Most of the times - start with HTTP - Start nikto, dirb,dirsearch, dirbuster - extensions - robots.txt, config.php, license.txt - Try Default Creds - if the creds doesnt work - try searching for creds for sometime - Try Cewl --> use it for brute forcing - Check ...
Way to Divergence