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Things to Remember for OSCP

All links for OSCP  Windows Enum  Linux - Enum   

Windows Priv Esc Cheatsheet   Windows Priv Esc   

1) Start Screen Recording using OBS Screen Recorder

2) Check the Machine IP's 
         -   Start Timer (Dont Stay on a Single Machine for too Long) 
         -   Cracked a Machine - Restart the Timer 

3) Start Buffer overflow on the test machine 
         -  Start NmapAutomator on all 4 machines before starting BOF on test

4) Take Screenshots of everything 

5) Start with 10 Points Box after BOF(25 Points); If this is taking too long,
   switch to a new box. Come back to this later. Document Everything.

6) HTTP is Vulnerable Most of the times - start with HTTP 
        - Start nikto, dirb,dirsearch, dirbuster - extensions 
        - robots.txt, config.php, license.txt 
        - Try Default Creds - if the creds doesnt work - try searching for creds for sometime 
        - Try Cewl --> use it for brute forcing 
        - Check for the running application version 
        - Google the application for finding version & exploits 
        - Dont just rely on Searchsploit, search on google as well. 
        - Check Github Exploits as well, read the exploit properly
        - Run wpscan,droopscan if they are found - search for vuln plugins,version 
        - Search for LFI / RFI - got a doubt - Check PDF/ Videos MORE LFI
        - Check for SQL Injections 
        - Check this out for web vulns
        - Check for Tomcat, web.config, cgi-bin exploits
7) Checks all ports - do a full nmap scan, if u think something is missing 

8) Always check for nmap vulns 
9) Check SMB port 
  1. If linux machine has smb - check version and exploit it
  2. use smbclient without password and null login as well
  3. Smb SCF file exploit - Using Responder, might not be for exam
10) Privilege Escalation: 

Linux: Few methods available here 
  1. uname -a
  2. sudo -l
  3. sudo su
  4. find / -perm -4000 2>/dev/null | xargs ls -la //Files with root privs
  5. ls -la /etc/passwd
  6. cd /var/www/
  7. cd /var/backups/
  8. search for config files
  9. ps aux | grep root
  10. netstat -ano
  11. netstat -tulpn
  12. search for writable files
  13. path exploit
  14. cron jobs - pspy
  15. check ./bash_hisroty
  16. mysql running as root ?
  17. cat /etc/fstab
  18. cat /dev/sdb
  19. pspy -f /check for running file system tasks
  20. check file permissions -> you are folder owner & file inside is running as roo
  21. Check for unknown binaries
    1. file binary
    2. strings binary
    3. cat binary
    4. ls -la binary
    5. Check the file to see if its executing any commands.
    6. Check for the file paths;
    7. If the command is cat instead of /bin/cat --> path injection might be possible
    8. decrease the size of terminal and check for changes
    9. less binary
    10. ./binary | less //Try Getting an Interactive shell with less
      1. Then !Command to execute the command,
      2. it might only work with a definite screen size
    11. ./binary anycommand && /bin/bash

Download the Exam Report & Lab Report Template Here


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