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Showing posts from September, 2020

Cracking Linux Keyrings

  This can be used in lateral movement. need to be a root to make this work or have the users credentials.  use minipenguin to get the password of the users if any - download from Github ./  go to /home/VICTIM/.local/share/keyrings download the keyrings onto your machine and paste them in /home/Bhanu/.local/share/keyrings Restart gnome-keyring service on your machine gnome-keyring-daemon -r -d seahorse seahorse should autodetect the keyrings from your machine and display it for you.    

Compiling a C# code

    1) Run Visual Studio Code  2) Download the C# package  3) Create a folder and open it via Visual Studio Code  4) view --> terminal  5) type "dotnet new console"  6) it creates new files, go to program.cs --> paste your code  7) save it  8) go to terminal --> "dotnet build" to build/compile the program 9) in Terminal --> "dotnet run" to run the program 10) Find the exe in Folder\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\program.exe