By default, tracroute sends UDP packets with incrementing dest ports starting at the bsae port of 33434, going up by one port for each packet sent (each hop measured 3 times)
#traceroute to multiple hosts
traceroute -g,
#Use ICMP instead of UDP
traceroute -I
#Use TCP SYN instead of UDP
traceroute -T
Online Traceroute Websites:
check if there is anything in the - DNS Cache Snooping
set norecurse
set recurse
#Zone transfer
> dig @ target -t AXFR
#Incremental Zone Transfer
dig @ -t IXFR=N
Kill a running Process/Open Port
netstat -pantp | grep LIST
#View the process ID
sudo lsof -t -i:80
#Kill the process
sudo fuser -k 80/tcp
Find Largest Files in Linux
du -a /var | sort -n -r | head -n 10
#Get Readable output
du -hsx -- * | sort -rh | head -10
Installing Samba on Kali Linux
sudo apt install samba
sudo mv /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.old
#edit the shared folder path
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
#create a new user
sudo smbpasswd -a kali
sudo systemctl start smbd
sudo systemctl start nmbd
Kill All process with a same name ps -ef | grep 'myProcessName' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -r kill -9 or for KILLPID in `ps ax | grep 'Process_NAME' | awk ' { print $1;}'`; do kill -9 $KILLPID; done
Kill a process running on a port fuser -k 4444/tcp
Add a path to $PATH permanently
nano ~/.bashrc
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin"
Check Service Manager being used ps -p 1 -o comm= systemd: Indicates the systemd service manager. init: Suggests the traditional System V init. upstart: Implies the Upstart init system. For systemd: If the systemctl command is available, it indicates systemd. For System V init: If the service or /etc/init.d/ directory is present, it suggests the use of System V init. For Upstart: If the initctl command is available, it suggests Upstart. #List the process tree pstree -p 1 This command will display the process tree starting from the init process. Look for process names or directories associated with specific service managers, such as systemd, upstart, or init. Looking at Directories Examine the /sbin directory: Look for specific executables or symbolic links in the /sbin directory that indicate the service manager. For example: /sbin/init: Suggests SysV init. /sbin/initctl: Suggests Upstart. /sbin/systemctl: Indicates systemd.
Linux Directories File Structure - Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
1. `/sbin`: The `/sbin` directory contains system binaries (commands) that are primarily used by system administrators for system maintenance and management tasks. Some important binaries found in `/sbin` include:
- `init`: The system initialization program (SysV init or systemd).
- `shutdown`: Command to initiate system shutdown.
- `reboot`: Command to reboot the system.
- `ifconfig`: Tool for configuring network interfaces (deprecated in favor of `ip` command).
- `fdisk`: Utility for partitioning disks.
- `iptables`: Command for managing netfilter firewall rules (legacy; replaced by `nftables` in some distributions).
Other important directories in the Linux filesystem hierarchy include:
2. `/bin`: This directory contains essential command binaries that are required for normal system operation. These binaries are generally available to all users and are necessary for basic system functionality (e.g., `ls`, `cp`, `mv`, `mkdir`).
3. `/usr`: The `/usr` directory contains user-related programs and data. It has several subdirectories including:
- `/usr/bin`: Non-essential command binaries for user access.
- `/usr/sbin`: Non-essential system binaries used by system administrators.
- `/usr/lib`: Libraries for programs in `/usr/bin` and `/usr/sbin`.
- `/usr/local`: Programs and data specific to the local machine, often manually installed.
4. `/etc`: The `/etc` directory contains system-wide configuration files. It includes configuration files for various services, network settings, system startup, and more.
5. `/var`: The `/var` directory holds variable data files that are expected to change during system operation. It includes directories such as `/var/log` (system logs), `/var/spool` (print and mail spools), and `/var/www` (web server files).
6. `/home`: Each user on the system typically has a home directory under `/home`. User-specific files and configurations are stored here.
7. `/tmp`: The `/tmp` directory provides a location for temporary files that are accessible to all users. The contents of this directory are typically deleted upon reboot.
Troubleshooting Network IP Address is already Used.
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