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Android Pentest

Port Scan on Android

as many random ports can be open on Android devices, its always better to scan all the ports using
download the debian package
dpkg -i filename
rustscan -a

now scan all the open ports with nmap -sC -sV to run default script and for version scan.

Installing ADB

sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb

Setting up Drozer

#Installing drozer on docker docker pull withsecurelabs/drozer #Downlaod the drozer Agent and install it on android download from #Drag and drop on emulator or install via adb adb install drozer-agent.apk #on Windows setup port forwarding for emulator adb forward tcp:31415 tcp:31415 #Get a docker shell docker run --net host -it --entrypoint sh withsecurelabs/drozer #inside the container, start drozer drozer console connect --server host.docker.internal # Method - II #Find the IP Address in about #Connect the Android using IP address docker run --net host -it withsecurelabs/drozer console connect --server #Get a shell docker run --net host -it --entrypoint sh withsecurelabs/drozer drozer console connect --server <phone IP address>

Drozer Commands

#list all functionality list #List packages run app.package.list #Filter for a specific app keyword run app.package.list -f diva #Basic info run -a jakhar.aseem.diva #List About activates, broadcast, content providers and services run app.package.attacksurface jakhar.aseem.diva #If the App as Exported Activity #Get Activity info run -a jakhar.aseem.diva #View/Access the exported activity if Permission: null run app.activity.start --component jakhar.aseem.diva jakhar.aseem.diva.APICreds2Activity run app.activity.start --component app.package app.activy.path #You can open the exported actvity directly from adb shell adb shell am start -n jakhar.aseem.diva.APICreds2Activity #If the app has providers #Get info on content providers run -a jakhar.aseem.diva #Run Scanner to find provider urls #Take the content urls which are under "For Sure Accessible Content URIs" run scanner.provider.finduris -a jakhar.aseem.diva #Query a provider url run app.provider.query content://jakhar.aseem.diva.provider.notesprovider/notes/ #Look for Injection vulnerabilities in an app run scanner.provider.injection -a jakhar.aseem.diva #Automatically exploit SLQ Injection - print tables run scanner.provider.sqltables -a jakhar.aseem.diva

Static Analysis

#Decompile the application apktool d appication.apk #Decompile without resources, use when the app is too huge apktool d application.apk -r #Search for strings in all locations #Even lib directory can contain some useful source code an API key #Use Strings on .so/ELF files #smali directory contains the source code - but its not in readable format, need to use dex to jar converter

Locations to check for Secrets

- resources/res/values/strings.xml, xmls.xml, integers.xml, attrs.xml - find below strings - firebase_database_url - google_api_key - google_app_id
- google_crash_reporting_api_key
- google_storage_bucket - client_id - API - password - AWS - Secret - http:// or https:// - .db or .sqllite or SQL or better use jadx-gui from

In Android Manifest.xml keywords to Look for

- API Keys - Providers - Content Providers; find ones which are exported - SdkVersion - Permissions #Activites with export=true can be started/opened from adb shell by running the command - just add a / before .activityname am start b3nac.injuredandroid/.b25lActivity # Make sure there is no sensitive data in the activity where exported=true - exported="true" - Activities. - backup -- Application is saving some backup data when running - should be on the top - Debug

AWS Enumeration

use Cloud Enum tool - available on github

Firebase DB Enum

- see if you can find a firebase url in the source code, if yes try going to it and see what you can find there - dirb it and find any exposed content - find the DB on the apk Use git clone cd firebaseEnum python -m pip install -r requirements.txt python3 -k APK_Name

Abusing ES File Explorer Vuln

Exploiting can be downloaded from here

or can use curl to abuse it

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data "{\"command\":\"listFiles\"}"

Installing and Setting up Frida & Objection

python -m pip install setuptools python -m pip install frida-tools python -m pip install objection add this path to env PATH - Update as required "C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\34.0.0" #patch the apk with objection first, if that doenst work patch it with frida manually #A new apk is generated in the same directory with name.objection.apk #Drag and drop the new apk into android emulator, Uninstall the original apk and install the new patched apk. objection patchapk --source injuredAndroid.apk

Patching Manually using Frida

You can follow this tutorialtutorial #Decompile without resources, use when the app is too huge apktool d application.apk -r #Go to lib directory of the apk and go to appropriate architecture of the emulator APK_NAME/lib/x86_64/ go to Frida Releases and download the appropriate gadget #Rename the file to or (based on the libraries naming convention) and copy the file into APK_NAME/lib/x86_64/ #Paste the below code into any smali file which you know loads for sure - Example: MainActivity.smali under /APK_NAME/smali/COmpany/APK_NAME/ (Ex: injuredAndroid/smali/b3nac/injuredandroid/) and save it.
const-string v0, "frida-gadget" invoke-static {v0}, Ljava/lang/System;->loadLibrary(Ljava/lang/String;)V

#Add the Internet permission to the manifest if it’s not there already, so that Frida gadget can open a socket. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> #ReBuild the apk apktool b injuredAndroid -o inured_patched.apk apktool b DirectoryPath -o Output.apk #Sign the APK keytool -genkey -v -keystore custom.keystore -alias mykeyaliasname -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 jarsigner -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore custom.keystore -storepass password inured_patched.apk mykeyaliasname jarsigner -verify inured_patched.apk

# Installing zipalign

nano /etc/apt/sources.list #comment the kali apt source and add the below line deb buster main sudo apt update sudo apt install zipalign zipalign 4 inured_patched.apk inured_final.apk #Drag and drop the final apk into emulator and start the apk #Start objection to run the apk objection explore #Disable ssl pinning android sslpinning disable

Dynamic Analysis with MobSF

#for Linux download MobSF and run then #for Windows Download docker from #Setup MobSF docker pull opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf:latest #Run MobSF docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf:latest #or add a new env variable Variable name: mobsf Variable Value: docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf:latest from now on type on cmd to run mobsf on docker %mobsf%
#Access the application using creds mobsf/mobsf #Add below path to Environmental variables PATH C:\Users\Bhanu\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator

ADB Commands

ADB Cheatsheet is here

#Port forward a port from the Android device to ADB
sudo ssh -p 22 -L 5555: bhanu@steins.local

#Connect to a device over wireless
adb tcpip 9090

#connect to the service
adb connect

#list connected devices
adb devices

#get a shell from a selected device
#adb -s device_name shell
adb -s shell

#get a shell
adb shell

#get root privs from a shell

#install an apk
adb -s "25sdfsfb3801745eg" install "C:\Users\bhanu\Downloads\shell.apk"

#Getting screenshots
adb shell screencap <path to save>

#Recording the screen
adb shell screenrecord <path to save>

#Downloading files
adb pull <source file path> <destination file path>

#Uploading files
adb push <source file path> <destination file path>

#Visiting websites
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d <URL of the website>

#Getting system information

Commands inside ADB Shell

#List Available packages pm list packages # Find a specific package pm list packages | grep Name # Find the path of the package pm path full_packageName pm path b3nac.injuredandroid package:/data/app/b3nac.injuredandroid-1/base.apk # Download the apk back into the main host machine #exit out of the adb shell exit adb pull /data/app/b3nac.injuredandroid-1/base.apk injuredAndroid.apk #incase you have multiple emulators open adb -s emulator-5556 pull /data/app/b3nac.injuredandroid-1/base.apk injuredAndroid.apk # you can now open the apk for static analysis

Finding Devices on Shodan

android debug bridge
adb connect

Get Remote Access of a device

apt install scrcpy


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