#Commonly Observed on Ports - 32064, 32357, 61616l you will find it together with RMI (1099 Port) & a webserver (6161 - jetty) Nmap Scan nmap -sV -Pn -n -T4 --script amqp-info -p 61616 Web server -- -> default creds- admin:admin #Query the server curl -d 'body="Hello World"' "" curl -u admin:admin -d "body=message" http://localhost:8161/api/message/TEST?type=queue Connecting to ActiveMQ (Might require creds) #Download activemq from here unzip filename go to conf/activemq-cli.config --> and update the IP Address broker { local { amqurl = "tcp://" jmxurl = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://" username = "" password = "" prompt-color = "light-blue...
Way to Divergence