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UnCommon Ports



cPanel	2082
cPanel - SSL	2083
WHM	2086
WHM - SSL	2087
Webmail	2095
Webmail - SSL	2096

SFTP Shared/Reseller Servers	2222
Webdisk	2077
Webdisk - SSL	2078
SSH Shared/Reseller Servers	2222

Plesk Control Panel	8880
Plesk Control Panel - SSL	8443
Plesk Windows Webmail (SmarterMail)	9998**
DotNet Panel	9001
10000/tcp - WebAdmin; MiniServ 2.021(Has few vulns)
Port 5601, 9200 - Kibana


Port 10000 - NDMP
nmap -p 10000 --script ndmp-fs-info,vuln -sVC -d

Port 30000 - NDMPS
nmap -p 30000--script ndmp-fs-info,vuln -sVC -d

NetApp NDFS Common Ports  
Parallel Virtual File System (PVFS) 
TCP port 3334 - Heap Over flow
nmap --script "rdp-enum-encryption or rdp-vuln-ms12-020 or rdp-ntlm-info" -p 3389
Docker Port - 2375

2375: unencrypted docker socket, remote root passwordless access to the host
2376: tls encrypted socket, most likely this is your CI servers 4243 port as a modification of the https 443 port
2377: swarm mode socket, for swarm managers, not for docker clients
5000: docker registry service
4789 and 7946: overlay networking

docker -H run -it --rm --privileged -v /:/rootfs --net host --pid host busybox

check this out if you observer any issues
Java RMI Registry - Port 1616

nmap -Pn -sS -sV --script "rmi-dumpregistry or rmi-vuln-classloader" -p 1616

#Tools to test RMI 

java -jar BaRMIe.jar -enum 5000
java -jar BaRMIe.jar -attack 5000
java -jar rmg-3.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar 5000 enum
Prometheus - Port 9100,9104

Monitoring Tool, go to IP:9100/metrics --> check to see if you can find any info
Varnish HTTP Cache Server - Port 6081,6082

apt-get install varnish

#Access the server
varnishadm -T 

#Access with a secret key - bruteforce the key 
varnishadm -T -S SECRET_KEY

More info here

#VARNISH Request smuggling - CVE-2021-36740 
Redis - port 5460

redis-cli -h -p 5460
Tanium Client - Port 17472/tcp
SunOS RPC Vuln 

Get the exploit from here 

The program number 100083 exists on the host, then the service ttdbserverd is running. The TCP port number assigned for the portmapper to the ttdbserverd is 32775 - UDP

#find the service in nmap report 
grep -nr '100068  2,3,4,5    32800/udp   cmsd'

grep -nr '100083  1          32775/tcp   ttdbserverd'


Usually it runs on Port 80 -

Default Creds:
nagiosadmin  PASSW0RD
mysqladmin -u root -pnagiosxi password welcome

"user" => 'nagiosxi',
"pwd" => 'n@gweb',


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