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Simple Web Pentest Checklist


- Fuzz the Application 
- Use to look for SSL issues and Vulnerabilities 
- Run Nikto & Nuclei,, BlackWidow on the target
- Check if the appliation using AngularJS 
	- Look for the version and its vulnerabilities 
- Check for Content Security Policy 
- Check for Cross Origin Resource Sharing 
	- Change the Origin header domain and see if its reflected on the response or not
		- Origin: 
	- Add Multiple Origin Headers and see the response 
	- Add Port, Special chars, null strings to it and observe the changes 
- Look for Host Header Injection Attacks
	- Add extra host header 
	- Add X-Forwarded-For: header and see if its being reflected or not
- Look for Cached responses (Filter tfor the keyword "Cache" in Burp HTTP history), Web Cache Poisoning might be possible possible 
- Check if httonly and Secure flags are added in the cookie or not & HSTS
- Check if .git exists and see if you can use
- Brute force credentials using burp or ffuf (Add the keyword "FUZZ" where ever you want to fuzz). you can add 1 or more fuzz parameters 
	- ffuf -request req.txt -request-proto http wordlist.txt 
	- ffuf -request req.txt -request-proto http -mode clusterbomb -w user.txt:FUZZUSER -w pass.txt:FUZZPASS  
- if MFA is enabled try to bypass it
	- by removing the otp parameter
	- by removing the function 
	- Check OTP timeout 
	- check duplicate OTP access
	- brute forcing otp 
	- OTP Attempts 
	- Check if one MFA code can be used to another account 
- If there is any payment involved --> Try to perform Race conditions
- Login as Admin and LowPriv user and check BAC & IDOR using ZAP/Burp 
- on Burp Filter by Input Parameter status 
	- try to send all special characters as input and observe the response
	- if a page saves input, try XXS 
	- SQL injection is possible all on parameters & headers - even Cookie, Referer
- If there are any passwords or credit cards in displayed as aestrix("*")
	- look the responses in developer tools
	- Look at Client data - Json files for plain text data
- Check for JWT tokens 
	- decode the JWT and Change the Alg to null 
	- Change the content in the JWT token and see if it's being validated properly or not
	- Use Burp JSON Web Tokens Extension 
	- use to see if they are using a weak key
- Check Session Vulnerabilities 
	- Take the sessionID of the user and logout --> return using the same sessionID 
- Check Password Reset Link --> req email and go to the link --> see if there are any external urls being used inside the webpage --> check the referer of the domain --> see if the Password reset token is available in the Referrer header. 
- Check Parameter Pollution --> Add same parameters twice with different varaiable/ID 
- `AutoComplete=off` --> Credit card Processing/Password --> Check if the browser cached the card info or not after updaing the info on the website. It should not store the Card info 
	- Inspect the form and see if AutoComplete=off is added in the form or not. 
- Go to Developer Tools --> Application --> storage --> Session Storage --> try updating the values and observe the difference. 
- Look for any available docs on the website and extract metadata using exiftool -a file.doc 
- Check if the application parses or uses urls 
	- Try to update the url in the parameter
	- try to make it into SSRF 
- Buffer Overflow the parameter 
	- check if it gives any useful error messages 
- On Password update or payment pages - check if CSRF is possible 
- check for SSTO using TPLMAP
- Look for obfuscated JS - decode it using de4js | JavaScript Deobfuscator and Unpacker
    python -u ''
- Check Google Dorks
		- AND intitle:"index of"
		- AND ("mysql error with query" OR "mysqli_query" OR "mysqli_query" OR "pdo_mysql")
		- AND ("PostgreSQL server: FATAL" OR "not a valid PostgreSQL result")
		- AND ("ORA-00933" OR "ORA-00921" OR "ORA-00936" OR "ORA-12541" OR "[ODBC SQL]")
		More dorks here
		- AND (ext:"backup" OR ext:"bak" OR ext:"old")
		- AND intitle:"500"
		- AND (inurl:"api" OR inurl:"key" OR inurl:"apikey")
		- AND -inurl:"https"


Book of Tips Zseano's Methodology Bug Bounty Playbook Bug Bounty Playbook 2


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