#Start a new container - which has the same ip as Host Container docker run -it --network host kalilinux/kali-rolling #Start a container docker start Container_ID #Attach a container docker attach Container_ID ctrl+p & ctrl+q to detach from a container without killing it #Start a container in Detached mode docker run -d --network host kalilinux/kali-rolling #Start a container in bridge network #Default is bridge network docker run -dit --name test kalilinux/kali-rolling /bin/bash Bridge network = new Docker network - separate network Host = Docker Host network #Create a bridge network docker network create --driver=bridge my_bridge_network --subnet= --gateway= #Run the container in Bridge network docker run -it --name my_container --network my_bridge_network --ip ubuntu:latest Moving Docker Container to a Different Host #list the containers and copy the id docker container ls #stop the container docker stop <Container_ID_...
Way to Divergence